Lathea Wordpainter Nalakavi Simple Background

Lathea Wordpainter Nalakavi towers over many other beings standing at 7 feet 11 inches. Her gray complexion almost makes her blue eyes glow when her long back hair doesn’t cover them. Often she keeps her hair in a ponytail for fighting.

The Nalakavi tribe like many Goliath tribes were mountain people, on one of Lathea’s many outings she came across a Gnoll Hunter. There was a great battle between them, the Gnoll gave left her several scars before dying. She felt it had fought well enough that she skinned the Gnoll and now wears its hide and fur as her only clothing. She isn’t one to be bothered by armor, donning and doffing armor takes time, and time is crucial in battle.

While living with her tribe she spent her time entertaining as a gladiator. She put on a great show and even grew strong enough to challenge and kill her older brother in the arena. She loves her scars, especially the one under her left breast. Where her brother was able to plunge his dagger shortly before her axe sliced through his neck severing his spine and decapitating him as the tribe cheered on. After all the stronger Goliath survived. Her battle scars are badges of honor and reminders that she is strong but must get stronger.

One day while on an outing she found a cave, and in that cave, she found an injured Bard. That Bard told her tails of great adventurers they had come across or heard stories about, after several stories, the Bard passed away, almost as though they had held on long enough to pass on the stories. Lathea fell in love with the stories and is determined to make a name for herself. A name great enough that others would tell stories about her conquests, she carries those stories on as a reminder to be stronger, to survive, to become a name to rival that of the gods.

As many Goliaths do Lathea left her tribe in search of more significant risks and of course, rewards that come with that risk. She travels with a drum using it to tell stories of old heroes and entertain crowds in towns she visits. She typically loves to make others smile by regaling them with one of her many stories. She is blunt and straight to the point, often getting in trouble.

While telling one of her many tales one night she noticed a fairy stealing from her crowd. She caught the fairy, confronted her, and tried to explain how stealing was wrong and the fairy managed to outsmart Lathea. Lathea saw this as a challenge, one worth keeping around, instead of turning the fairy into the town guards she decided to travel with her instead.

D&D Personality Traits and Background

Personality Traits: I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
Ideals: People. I like seeing smiles on people’s faces when I perform. That’s all that matters.
Bonds: I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds against that person’s.
Flaws: I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
Background: Entertainer. An Entertainer who gave up being a gladiator to become a drum-beating storyteller.

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